
Memorial Service Arrangements

Our services are available across Durham. Let us help you in your time of need.

Memorial Service Arrangements

Our services are available across Durham. Let us help you in your time of need.


Most funerals require the use of a hearse to convoy your loved one to their place of rest. Usually we use our modern dignified black motor hearse with matching 6 door limousines to follow. However, your loved one may have preferred an alternative mode of transport and we can offer either a horse drawn hearse or motorcycle hearse.

memorial cars

Floral Tributes

We will offer to supply the floral tributes for you or you may wish to use your own florist. Many people request donations in lieu of flowers to a charity. Either is acceptable but you may wish to have some family flowers on the casket itself. We can arrange the charity donations for you. After the ceremony we can list the names of those who have sent flowers and return the cards to you. 

Memorials & inscriptions

Many people get comfort from having a memorial for their loved one, giving them a place to visit and remember. We use the finest granites and marbles sourced from quarries in the UK, Italy, India, South Africa and China, so that each headstone is produced to the highest possible standards. We can create different designs for a fitting bespoke memorial.


We know that you will want your loved one to rest in a coffin that symbolises them. That is why we offer a range of coffins and caskets for you to choose from. From the most traditional of designs to alternative choices. We work with trusted suppliers who only create the highest quality ranges.

To discuss your needs call N Alderson Funeral Director Ltd today on   0191 373 1828

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