

Under normal circumstances the G.P. or hospital doctor will issue the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death.


Under normal circumstances the G.P. or hospital doctor will issue the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death.


Please see our list of registrars.
Who can register?
  • A close relative
  • A relative in attendance during the last illness.
  • A relative living in the district where the death occurred
  • A person present at death
  • The person causing the funeral to take place.
What documents do I need to take to the registrar?
  • The Medical Certificate of Cause of Death.
  • Medical card
  • Birth Certificate and Marriage or Civil Partnership certificates
The registrar will need to know the following information:
  • Date and place of Death.
  • Usual address
  • Full name of the deceased (Maiden name if married woman).
  • Date and place of Birth. (Town and County)
  • The deceased’s occupation and the name and occupation of their husband, wife, or civil partner
  • If the person was getting a pension or benefit from the Government
  • If married, the date of birth of the surviving husband, wife or civil partner
The registrar will then give you:
  • A green certificate which should be given to the Funeral Director as soon as possible
  • Certified copies of the entry for insurance companies, banks, building societies and solicitors. These are currently £4.00 each and you can purchase as many as you need. If further copies are needed at a later date, these will cost £7.00 each.
  • A white certificate (BD8) for the Department of Work and Pensions.
  • The registrar will also offer you the ‘tell us once’ service whereby they will inform the DWP for you which may cancel any benefits of the deceased and provide additional benefits for surviving relatives. In order to use this service the registrar will need the deceased’s National Insurance number and the surviving spouse’s National Insurance number. On receipt of Blue badge, passport and driving license these can also be cancelled by the registrar.
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